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Friday, July 25, 2014

I Believe in Grand-kids

I Believe in Grand-kids

I believe in grand-kids, I can’t help but think about our grand-kids this week.  We met Sam and Ginny and their two darling girls in Puebla last Sunday and have been enjoying being with them for this last week.  Grand-kids are a joy and blessing that is hard to describe.  They are magical and bring so much joy and happiness into our lives.  We love seeing each one of our grandchildren on Skype and we have pictures of them on a calendar Jill made us that we look at each day.  But being able to have Xela and Willa sit on my lap and giggle and laugh is magical; there just isn’t a better word.  We love each one so much and have hopes and dreams for their future lives.  Each hope and dream centers in their coming to know who they are and their learning about their Savior and His atoning sacrifice and how through repentance each one can return and live with our Father in Heaven.  We pray each day for them and hope that our example will have a positive impact on their lives now and in the future.  We yearn for their parents to teach them about “The Plan of Happiness” so that we can be together forever and have these magical moments always in our lives.  I believe in grand-kids.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Believe in Life after Death

I Believe in Life after Death

I believe in life after death or in other words I believe we all will through the atonement of Jesus Christ be resurrected from the dead, our bodies and our spirits reunited together to live forever more, and that until we are resurrected our spirits live in the spirit world awaiting the resurrection.  Furthermore I believe as stated in Alma 41, “And it is requisite with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works; and if their works were good in this life, and the desires of their hearts were good, that they should also, at the last day, be restored unto that which is good.” we will receive exactly what we do and what have been the  desires of our heart.  I believe that God knows us so perfectly that he knows exactly what we desire in our hearts and that we will be rewarded with not only what  we do but we will be rewarded with what has been the desire of our heart.  Sometimes we are busy raising kids and working to support them and give them a good life and we don’t find the time to do all that we would like to do, God knows us and knows what the desires of our heart are and he is going to give us credit for those desires and restore unto us what our hearts have desired.  If we desire to do good, to be good, and are trying to be good and do good, but fall short sometimes, I believe he knows our desires and will reward and restore unto us what have been the desires of our heart.  This doesn’t give us an out.  I believe that, it doesn’t mean we should not do all that we can and that we need to become more and more like our Savior, for me it just means that after we have done all that we can, he is going to take into account what we have desired to do and to become and make up the difference and reward and restore unto us what we have desired to do and to become as if we had accomplished them.  This is the great part of the Atonement that we all will fall short and that without the Atonement and Jesus Christ being willing and able to lift us and make up the difference we could never be who we need to be in order to live with our Father in Heaven and His Son and our brother Jesus Christ.  We only need to do our best and desire to do good and repent of our sins and shortcomings and I believe he will make up the difference.  I believe in life after death and that it will be wonderful and that our Savior will not only make up for our shortcomings but he will give us the benefit of doubt when it comes to the desires of our heart.  He is merciful and loving and has the power to forgive us and He will forgive us if we will repent.  This has been a hard week with the accident of Alex’s two sisters and the 5 children that were in the car.  After seeing the car many people have said that it is a miracle that more people were not injured more seriously and that it is a miracle that the children were all able to be released from the hospital the same day as the accident with only minor injuries.  My heart is heavy, knowing that Nickie is not going to make it and that at some point soon the machines that are keeping her alive will be turned off, but the knowledge of the plan of salvation gives us comfort and knowing of the love and goodness of our Father in Heaven brings us peace.  She will be received into the loving arms of many family members who are on the other side of the veil.  And she will be rewarded for her goodness and the desires of her heart for I believe in life after death.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I Believe in the Importance of Being a Good Example and Being Content

I Believe in the Importance of Being a Good Example and Being Content

This is reprinted from Dave Ramsey’s web site:

Kids are sponges; they absorb whatever they come in contact with. If you want your child to learn how to treat others with respect, you need to model that behavior for them. If you want Junior to value the importance of education, make sure you demonstrate just how important school really is. And if you want your kid to learn contentment, they need to see it in your life first.
Parents often forget that they are the biggest role model their kids will ever encounter. If you want your child to be content with what they have, you must lead by example. If you have stuffitis, your kid will have stuffitis. Contentment, simply put, is living within your means. It means you are thankful for what you have and don’t get upset thinking about the things you don’t have.
Lead By Example
It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting more money, a bigger house, better clothes, a newer car … the list goes on and on. When your child sees you wishing for all those things, they, in turn, will start wishing for more stuff. It’s just a habit of their surroundings! If you want to teach your kid about contentment, make sure you are modeling it in your own attitude, too. Contentment is easy to adopt, but it’s also easy to forget.
Set Priorities
Everyone needs limits in their life. Creating priorities allows you to see what’s important and what isn’t. This also applies to when you make a budget. The important stuff, like the four walls, gets listed first and the lesser important things run down the list. Contentment takes a certain amount of control in order to be successful. You learn to be content with your money by controlling your shopping sprees and refusing to spend more than you make. Doing this will teach your child the importance of setting priorities and not wavering from them.
No Hissy Fits
If your child sees you throw an adult temper tantrum when you don’t get what you want, what’s stopping them from doing the same thing? Sure, maybe you’re not lying in the middle of the toy aisle screaming at the top of your lungs. But what about that time you were at the electronic store checking out the latest gadget before you realized you didn’t have the money in your budget? Or what about that designer purse you wanted last week? Did your kid see you get upset when you checked the blow envelope and realized you couldn’t afford it? If you don’t want your kid to throw a hissy fit when they don’t get something they want, then you shouldn’t either.
Talk It Through
So you’re upset and don’t feel the least bit content right now. Don’t just silently deal with it! Use your emotions as a learning experience for your kid! Tell your child how you really feel, let them know that even adults have weak moments that make them want to whine and cry. Just don’t give in to those moments! This is the perfect way to model contentment for your child. Be real and let your child see that even adults struggle with contentment. But also make sure you discuss with them why contentment is so important—take advantage of this teachable moment!
Learn By Practicing
You probably had a coach or music teacher tell you that practice makes perfect. Well, they weren’t too far off. You may never obtain perfection in the area of contentment, but practicing it will definitely make you better! Instill a system in your life. Whenever you start to feel upset about not having the newest “it” item, find something to do that will make you grateful for what you have. And teach your kid that contentment takes practice. Every time Junior wants a toy, stick to your guns and reiterate the importance of saving up their money to purchase the toy. After a while, even the most difficult child will learn to be content with what they have.
Contentment may take some work, but it’s something that any parent can give to their child. Putting a little effort into making contentment a reality in your family will reap benefits that last a lifetime!

I like the point he makes about thinking about something that makes you grateful.  Taking stock of what blessings we have always leads one to being grateful. Example is a powerful force in our lives and it is always working either to help others or it is hindering their happiness.  I like his thoughts that Contentment is something you can practice and get better at.  Every characteristic can be practiced and can become more dominant in our nature.  That is what we need to learn to do practice and practice putting off the natural man and becoming new creatures in Christ.  With the help of our Savior all things are possible for those that believe. I believe in the importance of being a good example and being content with what we have.