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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Believe in Work

I Believe in Work

I believe hard work is good for the body and soul.   I have always worked.  I remember helping on a dairy farm owned by one of my friend’s, Scott Nelson, dad.  I drove a tractor during the harvest of corn silage when I was only 13 or 14.  Scott was quite a bit smaller than I was so he had to help pack the silage.  The tractor pulled a trailer and I would drive between the field and the farm.  I remember that the tractor did not have power brakes and I would have to stand up on the brake and pull up on the steering wheel to slow the trailer down as I came down one of the hills just before turning into the farm.  I hauled hay for him and help dehorn baby cows.  He got me a job hauling hay the summer that I was 15, for a hay and feed company in Layton.  I worked all summer and earned about 300 dollars. I got paid by the bail, not the hour. I always had a job in High School.  My senior year I worked 3 jobs and earned enough money to fly to England and tour Europe with my best friend, Paul Belnap, whose dad was mission president in London and had bought him a car so we could drive all through Europe.  I enjoy working on houses and making them look good and I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I am finished with a project.  There is something about hard physical work that builds character; “by the sweat of thy brow” has to have some importance.  Even at my age, hard work that makes you sweat also makes you feel good.  Maybe I am just glad I can still do it, but I Believe in work.

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